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Parent View

At St John’s CE Primary School we believe that having an understanding of how parents feel about their children's life at school is vital to celebrate what we do well and to improve our school even further.

For this reason, we encourage parents to let us have their feedback by completing a questionnaire when they attend parents' evenings and using the 'Parent View' website.

When Ofsted inspect a school they take into account the views of parents when making their judgements. They do this through use of a similar online survey called 'Parent View'.

We encourage all parents of children at St John’s CE Primary School to complete a questionnaire. This can be done on OFSTED's 'Parent View' website. Many parents who are happy with their child’s school use Parent View to share their satisfaction or to show their support for the school. If you are a parent or carer, you simply need your email address and a password to register on the Parent View website. Thank you in advance for taking time to give your feedback. 

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