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Class Texts

As part of our English Curriculum we read a number of text to the children. In Early Years we have some 5 a day texts that we read to the children each day. These books are read to the children many times over time so they become familiar with the stories and the characters. 

In Key Stage One the children read a number of books as part of their English direct teaching. The children then have daily access to a number of high-quality texts that are linked to their learning. These texts work alongside their RWInc phonics books.

In Key Stage Two, the children's English lessons are often based around their class text. These books have been deliberately chosen for their characters’ moral and spiritual journeys and the theme of the characters’ personal sacrifice or service. 

We ask parents and carers of Key Stage Two children not to share these books with their children (until they have been read in class) so that the children can enjoy the journey through these books together as classes.

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