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Maths Passport

Maths Passport – Embedding recall of basic facts

Children follow the school’s maths passport system to learn and embed arithmetic facts such as times tables and the recall of addition and subtraction facts. Knowledge and quick recall of these facts frees up working memory and is essential for children to have at their fingertips. This then enables them to focus their thinking on learning and using new mathematical concepts and algorithms.

passport objectives.pdf

Knowledge of the facts and skills required are tested twice a week. There is one passport for EYFS and there are 2 passports for children in years one to six. By year 4 if children are on track they will have learned all of their times table facts up to 12 x 12 in preparation for the National Multiplication Tables Check in June.

Children are expected to learn their passport facts at home in preparation for their weekly tests in key stages one and two. There are home learning sheets to support with this and the school also provides access to Times Table Rockstars to further support learning of multiplication facts.

Passport tests

Children are expected to be able to answer 60 questions in 6 minutes (the same time expectation as the national multiplication check) scoring 55 or more out of 60 for a pass. If they pass the test three times, they will receive a certificate and be allowed to move on to the next passport.

There is no ceiling on the passports that children can pass, although it is not recommended that a pupil go beyond North America in key stage one.

Here is an example of a Passport Test

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