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Music and Singing

Music is an important part of our school. We sing every day in collective worship, with each class having a music lesson each week with our Music teacher in our dedicated Music room.

We begin to experiment with music in the Foundation Stage, where we sing together and begin composing our own music using a variety of musical (and sometimes non-musical!) instruments.

The children continue this experimentation of music into Key Stage One where the children begin composing their own music and continue their weekly music and singing lessons, learning a variety of songs. Children in Key Stage One are also in our assemblies everyday and learn our assembly songs with the rest of the school.

Once in Key Stage Two, the composition of music becomes more formal, where children learn to use a variety of digital composition programs too. The children continue their weekly music and singing lessons, where they also continue to develop their very own musical instrument, their voice.

Working with peripatetic music teachers, some of our children also learn to play the drums, the keyboard, violin, guitar and the ukulele. 

Each week, our children listen to the Music of Week at different times of the day. This video is also played as the children leave assembly each day. The children enjoy listening to different genres of music and learning about each piece.

Music Development Plan

All schools should have a music development plan, as set out in the government's national plan for music education.

Schools are asked to publish a summary of their music development plan on their website.

Our school's Music Development Plan can be viewed below.


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