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Personal, Social, Health, Economic Education Intent and Progression

Personal, social, health and economic education is an important and necessary part of all pupils’ education. At St John’s CE, we deliver a broad and varied range of lessons that underpin the needs of the children with particular regard to the school’s local community. This is supported by our whole-school use of the Jigsaw scheme. We have a strong focus on developing each child as a whole, delivering PSHEE in a way that equips pupils with a sound understanding of risk and giving them the knowledge and skills to make safe, informed decisions. 

As part of our PSHEE education, we provide pupils with key information about drugs, alcohol and sex and relationships. Additionally, as part of our Safeguarding Curriculum, specific safeguarding sessions are delivered throughout the year ensuring topics such as PANTS Rule, Rail Safety and Child Criminal Exploitation are covered. We also provide children with information and strategies to identify, develop and maintain good health and well-being, through physical activity, diet, social skills and mental health awareness. Using the Jigsaw scheme also provides children with regular opportunities to practise mindfulness through “Calm Me Time”.  

We deliver the content of PSHEE in a variety of ways throughout school, allowing links to our Christian Values to be identified and explored. PSHEE discussions are led by adults to ensure children are able to discuss, share and listen to ideas in a safe and supportive environment. Our aim is to ensure children leave St John’s with a well-rounded, balanced view of the world, which encourages them to contribute positively to the local and wider community.  

Christian Values, Cultural Capital and Pupil Premium enhancements

At St John’s we aim to give our children as many opportunities as we can to further broaden their experiences. We encourage our pupils to engage in a variety of clubs that we run throughout the year. These clubs have been carefully chosen to provide children with opportunities to participate in activities or hobbies that they have not been able to participate in before.

For example, within our community engagement club, we provide our children with the opportunity to explore the world outside our school and share our values with the community. We take the children on visits to two of our local care/residential homes where the children talk, read, sing, play and share what they have with the residents. Not only does this give the children an excellent insight to other people’s lives but also teaches them the values of service, compassion and kindness. It also helps our children to develop their spirituality by placing them in situations that challenge their character and personal values.  Through access to our clubs, our children benefit by having their opportunities widened through a range of additional experiences they may not have otherwise had access to.

We recognise the importance of children working with the wider community and learning from them.  To this end, the children are visited by our local police officers who discuss with the children the importance of being safe online and within their community.

The specific skills and knowledge taught in PSHEE are detailed in our Skill Progression and Knowledge Progression documents.  If you wish to see these, please ask your child's class teacher.

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