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Religious Education

At St. John’s, we provide our children with a range of experiences that enable them to develop an understanding about the beliefs of other people, while allowing them to explore their own ideas and develop a positive sense of their own beliefs and thoughts. Through an enquiry-based approach, each unit of work is introduced with a ‘big question’ where the children can both explore and deepen their understanding of over a period of time.

Our curriculum covers the six main religions. In Key Stage 1, children learn about Judaism alongside Christianity. In Key Stage 2, children learn about the main religions of Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism and Islam with an emphasis on widening the children’s understanding of Christianity.

Our RE curriculum both supports and provides our children with a safe environment where they feel confidence to share their ideas, opinions and beliefs and through open discussion, encourages children to widen their experiences and their understanding of their own role within the school community and the wider world.

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