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Our Lifesavers lessons in school provide children with a clear understanding about the value of money, including learning about how it is earned and how it can be saved.

As well as this, our school Lifesavers Savings Club is a great opportunity for children to save their money, with them being able to deposit as little as 20p up to £20 in one transaction!

We give children the chance to do this twice a week in our morning and after school sessions which take place in our Library.  Our pupil Cashiers are on hand to help children deposit their money, keep track in their own account books and earn stamps and stationery!

It is easy to sign up!

Families can open an account at our sessions or by completing the form by clicking the link below:

Happy Saving!

“Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.”

Philippians 2:4



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