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School Day

From September 2022, the Government expects schools to publish their school hours on their website. Further to this, school must publish their compulsory total weekly figure for the compulsory time pupils spend in school.

At St John's, the compulsory time pupils spend in school Reception - Year 6 is 32.5 hours.

These hours do not include the before and after school sports clubs and the after-school Wednesday KS2 clubs that the school provides free of charge.

Start of the day

Prior to the start of the school day, children line up in the playground. At 8:47 a bell will ring and all cloakroom doors will be closed. If you arrive after the doors have been closed you will need to bring your child into school via the office in order to be signed in for a registration mark. You may also be asked to complete a late form.

Prior to 8:45am the supervision of all children is the responsibility of parents/carers and we encourage you to arrive with your child no earlier than 8:35am. 

End of the day

Children in Nursery, Reception, Key Stage 1 and Year 3 are released on a one to one basis to a responsible person named on the picking up list.  Children in Years 4, 5 and 6 are released from their classroom fire doors; they are expected to meet the responsible person collecting them or, with prior permission, they may walk home unaccompanied.

Please ensure that all persons likely to collect your child are on your child’s pick-up list.  Any amendments to this list should be communicated through the office. Please ensure your child knows in advance who they are expected to go home with each day.

If your child is not collected from school on time they will be placed into our after-school provision in the Ark. This will then incur a charge as outlined in the Before/After School Charging Policy.

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