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According to school policy, all our pupils are required to wear school uniform which consists of the following:

  • Gold school logo / plain gold polo shirt
  • Grey or black skirt or pinafore dress, trousers or shorts - no leggings, cycling shorts, flares or stretch/dance pants
  • or Green & white or gold & white gingham or striped dress
  • Bottle green school logo / plain sweatshirt or cardigan
  • Grey or white socks, or grey, bottle green or black tights
  • Sensible outdoor shoes or trainers
  • Sensible coat
  • Sun hat during summer weather
  • Black pumps to be worn indoors (Reception - Y6)
  • Pupils in Year 6 are encouraged to wear purple school logo / plain sweatshirts or cardigans and may wear purple & white gingham or striped dresses

A small stock of uniform is kept in school and can be purchased there. 

Children in Reception and Key Stage One should bring a small book bag to school each day to carry their reading book, homework and any letters. These book bags should not be rucksacks as these are too large for the school’s cloakrooms and/or drawers in the classrooms.

Children in Key Stage Two only should bring a small book bag or rucksack to school each day to carry their reading book, homework, any letters and drinks bottle. 

Children in Key Stage One and Key Stage Two can bring a water bottle into school; this should only contain water.  The bottle must be clear and have sports type lid/spout/straw to prevent accidental spillage. A small stock of bottles is also available to be purchased from school.

Jewellery & Accessories

  • Children may only wear small plain studs in the lobe of pierced ears. No other jewellery is allowed. 
  • Digital or analogue watches may be worn but wearable smart watches should not be worn. Children should not bring mobile phones to school; however, children who walk to and from school unaccompanied may bring their mobile phone to school. The phone should be given to their class teacher once they arrive at school and will be kept securely in the office during the school day. 
  • Fashionable hair accessories are not permitted. Only bobbles, bands etc. in a colour that is in keeping with school uniform are to be used to tie hair up or pinned back. 

  • Children are not permitted to wear nail varnish, false nails, make-up, fake tan or transfer tattoos for school. We also ask that if children wear transfer tattoos, these are not visible when wearing the school uniform/kit. Children are also asked not to dye their hair. 

  • For Health & Safety reasons children are not allowed to wear any body piercing in school. If your child does attend school with a body piercing you will be contacted and asked to remove it immediately, regardless of how long it has been in place. 

P.E. Kit

It is compulsory that all children in full time school take part in P.E. lessons.  The wearing of appropriate P.E. kit is important; should your child not have appropriate kit in school they will still be expected to participate in P.E. sessions. There may be some spare kit available for emergencies.  All children who have long hair will be required to wear it tied up for P.E. lessons.

According to school policy, all our pupils are required to wear a PE kit for our PE lessons which consists of:

  • White school logo / plain t-shirt
  • Bottle green school logo / plain hooded sweatshirt
  • Pupils in Y6 are encouraged to wear a purple school logo / plain hooded sweatshirt
  • Black shorts, black jogging trousers, black gym skirt, black cycling shorts or black leggings (a small sports logo is permitted)
  • Trainers (children will have a pair of pumps in school already)

Children in Year 6 may purchase a custom purple hooded sweatshirt which has 'class of 2022' embroidered onto the back. The year group number is the year in which they leave Y6 and begin Y7.

Children can attend school in their P.E. kits on their timetabled P.E. day.




Please note - the school does not have a preferred supplier and does not receive any commission from uniform sales.

Pre-loved Uniform Shop

We have our Pre-Loved Uniform Shop where a large range of donated, professionally laundered items can be purchased for a donation amount of your choice.  If you wish to visit the shop, please ask the office staff and they will arrange this for you. The shop is in a discrete location in school and families can visit unaccompanied to try clothes on privately. 

If you do have any uniform which has been grown out of, please do donate this to school so we can arrange for it to be laundered and then added to the stock. 


A copy of the Uniform Policy can be viewed on our Policies page.

Statutory guidance

The statutory guidance for uniforms issued by the Government can be found by clicking here.

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  • Awards